Read all about Stress incontinence
On this page you can read everything about stress incontinence. If you want to find out what your symptoms mean, or what a doctor would think of. Do the symptomcheck
What is stress incontinence?
With stress incontinence you tend to lose urine when you strain your abdomen, like when you’re laughing, lifting, jumping or exercising. This is most frequent in women, but can also affect men. A doctor can assess what the best treatment option would be.
What are symptoms of stress incontinence?
Loss of urine when:
- Coughing
- Pushing
- Laughing
- Exercising
- Lifting
- Performing other physical exercise
Is stress incontinence serious and should I see a doctor?
Stress incontinence is mostly very bothersome, but usually not serious. Stress incontinence is a relatively common condition in women. Over half of women between 45 and 70 report having had unwanted urine loss.
What can I do about stress incontinence?
- For the treatment of urine loss it’s important to find the cause of the urine loss.
- With stress incontinence you can train your bladder with a doctor or physical therapist, to gain more control over your urine loss
- In some cases a pessary is inserted to Soms wordt ervoor gekozen om een pessarium in te brengen, een arts kan beoordelen of dit een geschikte behandeling is voor u
- Voor urineverlies is er speciaal maandverband verkrijgbaar
- Andere hulpmiddelen worden afgeraden
How does stress-incontinence affect my body?
Stress incontinence often has something to do with a reduced tension in the muscles around the blatter and urinary tract. The tension on the muscles can reduce when there are changes in the amount of hormones in the body, which is why symptoms are often worse during menstruation. During menopause the hormone balance changes permanently, and that is why stress incontinence is more common after menopause. When you get older some internal organs might shift, this is common, because the supporting tissues arount the organs become less sturdy. This can put extra stress on the blatter, which can in turn increase complaints.